
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Summer Activities

It's HOT outside, here are some hot weather ideas...

* "Paint" with water on the sidewalk! Just get a container of water and a paintbrush and let the kids have at it.

* Puree and freeze fruit in popsicle molds (even paper cups with a craft stick will do)

* Water balloon fights

* Discovery blocks (freeze small plastic objects in a large plastic container - when frozen solid, set outside and kids chisel out the prizes)

*Scavenger hunt for "tickets" hidden around the house or yard. Use the tickets to buy water balloons from the "Cool off station"

*Toddlers - put ice cubes in the tray of a stationary saucer type toy. You can also put a little water in the bottom for their feet to splash in (there are usually holes in the bottom for drainage, so there won't be a lot of water accumulation)

* Toddlers - going to a sandy place like a beach or lake? Take a small blow up kiddie pool and put the toddler in there with some water (or not depending on the age). Little pool specifically for them stays clean longer than in and out of the sandy shore.

* Water tag - tape single squares of toilet tissue or facial tissue to the T-shirts of all players. Use water guns or squirters to "tag" opponents. When all of your targets are wet and have fallen off, you're out.

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